The Society Library

The Society's library consists of a collection of around 800 books, including topographical histories of the Yorkshire area, plus works on other aspects of the life of the region including church history, education and industry. It also contains several back-runs of journals including those of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society, the Yorkshire Parish Register Society, the Thoresby Society and, of course, The Bradford Antiquary.
The library does not contain any original archive material.
The library is only available to Society members and is normally open for borrowing prior to the start of each lecture. Copies of the latest Library Catalogue (September 2010) can be obtained from the librarian, price £2
The Society's library remains in store on the second floor of Bradford Central Library and is inaccessible to the general public since the problems over public access at the library forced our relocation to the Bradford Club. We are negotiating with the Bradford Club to provide some shelf space for our books, but the stock must be severely reduced and the final selection will be more limited than that available up to now.
The Society is always pleased to receive donations of books relating to the Yorkshire area in general and Bradford in particular. We were especially pleased to receive a copy of Terry Sutton's superb book Yesterday's Yorkshire: a celebration of the industrial West Riding following his excellent talk given to the society on January 2009. Recent additions to the library are normally displayed in the lecture room.