The Bradford Antiquary
Series 3, Volume 12, 2008
Editor Bob Duckett

- From the editor
- A Year in the life of an 18th Century Handloom Weaver:
Abraham Shackleton's Diary for 1794-5 - Michael Baumber - Scar Hill Toll House and its Keepers - Frank Dickinson
- Jane Martha Forster, née Arnold (Mrs. WE Forster) - Margaret & Dennis Warwick
- The Bradford Subscription Concerts, 1865-1950 - Anne Wilkinson
- "This is our library": Ilkley's Carnegie, 1907-2007 - Caroline Brown
- The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography and Bradfordians - James Ogden
- The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography and Bradfordians - Anne George
- A Bank with a High Level of Interest: The Bradford Memory Bank - Ken Kenzie
- Outward and Visible Signs: Two Plaques - Astrid Hansen
- The Rookes Portrait Revisited - Mary Twentyman
- Around the Local History Groups
- Book Reviews
- Bradford in the Great War
- Fabrics, Filth and Fairy Tents: The Yorkshire Textile Districts in 1849
- The Lord Mayoralty of Bradford 1907-2007
- Bradford Chapters: Episodes in the Life of a City
- The Best of John Hartley: and account of his life & 'The Clock Almanac
- Brilliant Bradford